Thursday, September 3, 2009

Over One Year!

It has been over one year since :

We bought our first house.

We had internet at our house, other than on our phones.

Jake wrecked his motorcycle.

We had cable tv.

We had a functioning kitchen! ( that one has been fixed! pictures to soon follow)

Time is fleeting and precious. I hope we all take the time to slow down and enjoy the memories we are making.

God Bless!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

New House!

Hello there fellow bloggers. I know it has been quite sometime since my last post. We have had so much going on. We closed on our house today, Praise God. My sweet husband had a motorcycle wreck and his leg is hurt pretty badly; but, I know that God had his hands on him because it could've been so much worse. We aren't sure what is wrong with his leg, he goes for a MRI on Monday. So your prayers would be greatly appreciated. We also got rid of our cable and internet, so until we decide to get it back, I will not be blogging regularly. I am so thankful for all the blessings we have. And besides I have so much to do to make our house a home that not having internet isn't even that bad, although I miss checking my favorite blogs! I hope you all are having a wonderful summer. I know that I am really enjoying the warm weather.
God Bless

Friday, May 23, 2008

Busy Day!

Today was such a beautiful day out, but it was busy! Hubby and I are in the process of buying our first house; so while I was on lunch break from work, he and I looked at a few. We are writting up an offer tomorrow. I am so excited, yet nervous, but it is great knowing it is all in God's hands. The price is perfect and we have really been praying for God to direct us. House buying is no small task! I am just so thankful that we can trust in Him. Well work was very hectic as it is the Friday before a long weekend, but the weekend is here now and I am overjoyed. I hope all of you have a terrific weekend!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Welcome to my blog!

Hello there fellow bloggers! I hope you have all had a blessed day! I had been thinking about starting a blog for awhile, but had never gotten around to it until today. Hopefully you will enjoy your stay. Well to get started I guess I will tell you all a little bit about myself. I am married to a wonderful Godly man. We have been married almost a year now. WOW! Time moves so fast. I went to church alot when I was still living at home, but I didn't really have a great personal relationship with Christ. My husband was actually very important in that aspect. God truely does know us best and provides us with what we need. My amazing husband spent hours on the phone with me reading me the Bible and telling me how much God loved me. He helped me understand what God's love really was all about. I am so very thankful that God is in my life! I could not make it through one day without Him. This blog will be about me (of course) and my journey to become a Proverbs 31 wife.